About Therapy

You don’t know where else to turn.

You feel disconnected from yourself.

Your self-critic is loud and is drowning out the more confident parts of you.

You want to speak up for yourself, your desires, and your goals. When you try, your voice gets caught in your throat.

You’ve attempted to change things on your own, but you’re out of ideas and teetering on the edge of despair.

I’m here to tell you, though…

It’s not YOU that’s fucked up.

What happened to you is fucked up…

And society’s messages about who you’re supposed to be are fucked up…

But YOU are not.

As a kid, your emotions were “too much.”

“Dry up… you look ugly when you cry.”

“Shut up… stop being so dramatic.”

“Knock it off… or you’re gonna get it!”

You just wanted love and affection, but your parents were too angry, stressed, or overwhelmed to really see you.

So, you learned to make yourself small…

You started smiling nicely and stepping softly, hoping to keep their anger at bay.

Now, you constantly feel like you’re not enough.

Scrolling through social media, you compare yourself and find yourself lacking: not thin enough, not successful enough, not productive enough, not passionate enough.

You always feel like you should be doing more, and you’re exhausted from feeling like it’ll never be enough.

But you are enough – just as you are.

I don’t know you yet, and I haven’t heard your story – but I already know something essential:
There is nothing wrong with you.

We all carry wounds from our childhoods and live in a society that constantly devalues our humanity.

The harmful messages you heard in your childhood (that still echo) say more about your parents and their wounds than they do about you.

The hurts you experience every day as you navigate the world as a Latinx, queer, an immigrant, a teen, or a woman say everything about the systems of oppression we live in white supremacy, capitalism, and patriarchy. They say nothing about the brilliant person you are.

You don’t need to feel this way forever, and you don’t have to pass what you’ve inherited to the next generation.

You deserve support.

You’ve thought about going to therapy for years and avoided it for just as long. Something about therapy feels like admitting defeat: “There’s something wrong with me, and I’m not capable of fixing it myself.”

We’re steeped in a brand of American individualism that tells us we’re supposed to be strong – that it’s up to us alone to get ahead – that grit and determination and bootstraps are enough – that our worth is equal to our productivity.

I think that’s bullshit.

Instead, I see us as creatures that need deep connections to others to survive and thrive. I believe tenderness, collective support, and rest create the fertile soil needed to grow and bloom.

Let’s explore YOU and find YOUR fertile soil.

I tailor my work to each client’s goals and desires. Here are a few ways we can explore together:

Learning self-compassion…

I will listen to you with an open heart. When someone listens to you with kindness, you can learn to be kinder to yourself.

Making space for the different parts of you…

Your self-critic is drowning out the wiser parts of you. Together, we will make space for your wise parts so you can lead your life with trust instead of fear.

Rewriting your stories about yourself…

You are telling stories about yourself that are painful and outdated. We will get curious about these stories and rewrite your narrative to reflect the strong, vibrant person you really are.

Connecting with the wisdom of your body…

The traumas you have experienced are not just in your mind; they’re also stored in your body. To move through them, we will bring awareness to your physical and sensory experiences in the present moment. Connecting with your body will help you find your way back to yourself. We will explore slowly, at your pace.

Getting in touch with creativity and spirit…

You feel disconnected from your sense of creativity, spirituality, or ancestors. We will rekindle these sources of vitality and joy through introspective practices such as guided meditation, dream work, art therapy, or Tarot.

Hi, I’m Katherine…

Aboutme1I’m the child of a Mexican father and an American mother.

I grew up moving between different nations, languages, and cultures. I often felt like an outsider – too Mexican in the U.S., too American in Mexico, too foreign in the small, conservative town in Ohio where I landed at the age of 10.

Because I couldn’t fit in, I embraced my identity as an outsider. And being a weirdo has bestowed many gifts – the courage to break away from traditional roles that felt confining. The curiosity to explore different ways of life. And the ability to embrace values that feel more authentic and nurturing.

As a therapist, I love working with others who have felt like outsiders – especially people who are Latinx, bicultural, and immigrants. If you speak English, Spanish, or Spanglish, you are welcome!

I became a therapist because therapy worked for me.

I was a perfectionist, a drinker, stuck in a job I hated in a city that overwhelmed me, and in a relationship that was not giving me what I wanted.

Therapy helped me slowly change the stories about myself that kept me stuck, identify and shift relationship patterns that made me feel alone and unloved, and find a new professional path that aligned more with my heart.

I’m not “fixed” or “healed.” I still work on myself and my relationships all the time. Being a partner, a mama to two young humans, a therapist, a sister, a friend, and a person with wounds, dreams, and goals… it’s messy, beautiful, and exhausting.

But thanks to therapy, I know a few things that make the ride smoother. I know that I deserve support, and I can ask for help when I need it. I’ve built a community of friends and family who value trust and collective care, and we show up for each other in ways I didn’t know were possible.

I’m walking down my own healing path, and I know how scary, painful, lovely, and magical it can be.

When I’m not doing therapy…

I feel most at ease in nature. Whenever we can, my family fills the car to overflowing and sets off for an adventure with friends in the woods, mountains, or by the ocean.

I’m a Pisces, so I also love splashing and floating in warm water (the Pacific does not do it for me). Give me a flowing river, a warm ocean, a tranquil lake – even a water park will do! – and I’ll be a happy little fish.

Start shifting your relationship to yourself.

When you choose therapy with me, you will be stepping into a space of tenderness and care. Together, we will unravel the threads of the harmful stories you have been repeating to yourself about who you are and what you lack.

As we tend to the wounded, lonely, and lost parts of you, other parts will step forward: the creative, courageous, resilient parts that have been dormant for too long.

Right now, you feel stuck and closed in. But I know that therapy can help create space – space to breathe, dream, and reconnect with your sense of possibility.

And I’ll be with you in that space with warmth, creativity, and a splash of silliness.

Life CAN feel expansive. Are you ready?

Schedule your free discovery call today. I would love to hear your story and find out if we’re a good fit.